[U.S. Capitol grounds, looking east with horse-drawn carriage in foreground]

The East Room, or, State Reception Room--originally the banquet hall--White House, Washington, U.S.A.

Lilies and chrysanthemums in the White House conservatory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Oranges growing in White House conservatories, Washington, D.C.

President Roosevelt's dinner to Prince Henry, in the East Room, White House, Washington, U.S.A.

The Inaugural Ball-room - from President Roosevelt's box - Pension Building, Washin[g]ton, D.C.

The Washington Monument, the world's highest work of masonry (555 ft.), from the P.O., Washington, U.S.A.

Washington Monument, tallest stone structure in the World (555 ft.) east - Washington, D.C.