The Inaugural Ball-room - from President Roosevelt's box - Pension Building, Washin[g]ton, D.C.

One million six hundred thousand dollars, U.S. Treasury, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

The Washington Monument, the world's highest work of masonry (555 ft.), from the P.O., Washington, U.S.A.

Washington Monument, tallest stone structure in the World (555 ft.) east - Washington, D.C.

[The Discovery, statue on the Rotunda portico, as seen from the east front steps of the U.S. Capitol]

[View from the west of the U.S. Capitol with reflection in body of water in the foreground and the U.S. Botanic Garden in the middle ground]

Opening ceremonies of the House of Representatives, Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.

[U.S. Capitol grounds, looking east with horse-drawn carriage in foreground]

The Long corridor, a magnificient sight of polished stone, Library of Congress, Washington, U.S.A.

The Library of Congress from Capitol grounds, a magnificent building (cost $6,617,124), splendidly equipped, Washington, U.S.A.