The North Dome and Washington Tower
The North Dome and Washington Tower
Reflection of Washington Tower, Royal Arches and North Dome in the Merced
House over the stump of the Original Big Tree
[Marker by fence reading "Here fell Henry C. Merwin, Lt. Col., 27th Conn. vols.," Gettysburg, Pa.]
Gateway for equestrians through the Father of the Forest
The Three Graces, 3750 ft. high
Irregulars on the frontier--awaiting an attack--Graeco-Turkish War
Miagara [i.e. Niagara]. Mrs. Taylor the first human being to go over falls and lives
River view from in Labyrinth Cañ̃on
River view, looking down, in Stillwater Cañ̃on
Point of Rocks in Sumner's Amphitheatre, in Cañon of Desolation
[Barnum's clown--clown halfway through paper-covered hoop which woman is holding]
[Barnum's clown--woman about to go through paper-covered hoop which clown is holding]