View in Dutch Ravine, looking east, 32 miles from Sacramento

Alta from the north. Altitude 3,635 feet. 69 miles from Sacramento

Blasting at Chalk Bluffs above Alta. Cut 60 feet deep

Culvert at Canyon Creek. 185 feet long - 12 feet span

Giant's Gap, American River. 2,500 feet perpendicular. 72 miles from Sacramento

Green Valley and Giant's Gap. American River, 1,500 feet below railroad

Green Bluffs. 1,500 feet above American River, 71 miles from Sacramento

View west of Prospect Hill. 75 miles from Sacramento

Railroad at Ogden, Wahsatch Range in distance

View in Dutch Ravine, looking west, Placer County

Secrettown Trestle from the west. Length 1,100 feet

Bear River Valley, near Gold Run. You Bet and mines in the distance

Flume and railroad at Gold Run. 64 miles from Sacramento

Secret Ravine, Iowa Hill in the distance. 61 miles from Sacramento

Hornet Hill Cut, west of Gold Run. 50 feet deep

Hydraulic mining, at Gold Run, Placer County

Embankment below Dutch Flat, Placer County

Indian viewing railroad from top of Palisades. 435 miles from Sacramento

View across river and canyon. From top of Palisades

Depot at Elko. 468 miles from Sacramento

Scene near Deeth. Mount Halleck in distance

Salt Lake from Monument Point. 669 miles from Sacramento

Poetry and prose. Scene at Monument Point, north end of Salt Lake

The last rail - the invocation. Fixing the wire, May 10th, 1869

Deep cut at Trail Ridge. Length 1,000 feet

Building water tank. Trout Creek mountains in distance