Major White and medical staff, 8th Regt. of Colored men
Company of Colored troops equipped with Lewis machine guns, 8th Illinois Inf.
Giving the children their suppers
The famous American Bison that once roamed in countless thousands over our vast prairies, Cal.
Machine Gun Co., Chicago Regiment of Colored Soldiers, 8th Illinois Infantry
Transports leaving Tampa for Cuba
Free and happy in his crude prosperity--life in the sand belt of North Carolina
[Two Negroes leaning over a log]
The colored school, Charleston, S.C., U.S.A.
Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry - famous Indian fighters
[Large buck deer standing on rock projecting from cliff]
Common red fox [stuffed along with an owl, another bird and a young fox]
"A study in black & white"
"To whom much has been given much shall be expected" President Roosevelt to students at James Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, June 4th 1903.
Woodrow Wilson, Democratic nominee for President, after his speech of acceptance delivered at Sea Girt, N.J.
President Roosevelt entering America's wonderland - at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park
Away from the cares of state - President Roosevelt ready to enter Yellowstone Park
President Roosevelt and Major Pitcher before Liberty Cap - a long extinct geyser at Yellowstone Park
President Roosevelt and Major Pitcher before Liberty Cap - a long extinct geyser at Yellowstone Park
President and Mrs. Taft leaving the Capitol to head the parade to the White House [March 4, 1909]