From the top of Vernal Falls, Glacier's Point, 3705 ft. high, in the distance

The South Dome, 6000 ft. high. View Artists' Point at sunrise

Yosemite Falls, 2634 ft. high. View from the Merced River

Artistic studies on the Merced River. Cathedral Rocks and Spires in the distance

The South Dome, 6000 ft. high. View from Artist's Point, at sunrise

Summit of Mt. Dana, 13227 feet above the level of the sea. View from Bloody Canyon. Little Yosemite valley

Reflection of Washington Tower, Royal Arches and North Dome in the Merced

Mirror Lake, Watkins and Clouds' Rest, Mts. and reflections

Yosemite Falls, 2634 feet high. Reflection in the Merced River