Charleston Hotel
St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C.
South Battery, Charleston, S.C.
Harbor - Ft. Sumpter (i.e. Sumter) in distance
Interior of Sumter, 1864(i.e. 1863) - ruined casements, making sand baggs (i.e. bags)
Interior of Sumter, 1864(i.e. 1863) - soldeir's (i.e. soldier's) barracks in ruins
Interior of Sumter, 1864(i.e. 1863) - furnace, officer's barracks, half ruined walls and dismounted cannon
View of the old homestead on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
View of laborers preparing cotton for gins, on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
View of cottage on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
Interior view of ginning mills ginning sea island cotton, on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
View of store and ginning mills on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
Front of saw mill and box factory on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
Freedom on the plantation
View of stable on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.
Croquet party, Old Fort Plantation, Port Royal Isl, So. Ca.
A big gun on Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, S.C.
Beaufort Library, S.C.
Cheeves' (i. e. Cheves) Point battery, Charleston
View on Walker's Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.
View on the Habersham Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.
View on Smith Plantation, near Beaufort, S.C.
View on Bay St., Beaufort, S.C.
Ruins of the Old Spanish Fort, Smith's plantation, Port Royal Island, near Port Royal S.C.
[View of tents located inside of a fort, possibly on Morris Island, South Carolina]
Two views. The Rebel signal station on Morris Inland, afterwards occupied by our troops. A number of shot and shell have passed through the roof. The Rebels used this as a beacon to signal in blockade runners
[Interior view of Fort Wagner, showing quarters of Federal garrison on Morris Island, South Carolina]
Turret of monitor Pasaic (i.e. Passaic)
Turret of Pasaic (i.e. Passaic) monitor, Charleston Harbor, S.C.
[Tent scene, Beaufort, S.C.]