"Crossing the Stream," Italian statuary, Manufactures Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

Buffalo Dance and the Cascades, Grand Basin, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

Triumph of the gardener - Sunken Gardens and Government Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

View between Transportation and Machinery Buildings, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

The magnificient landscape garden in the Great World's Fair grounds, St. Louis, Mo.

Sunken Gardens surrounded by the great palaces of the World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

Immense floral clock before the Agricultural Building, World's Fair, St. Louis.

Massive clock with floral dial and hands 50 ft long north end of Agriculture Building, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A.

The great floral clock, it's dial 100 feet in diameter, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A.

Floral clock and north end of Palace of Agriculture, from Ceylon Building, St. Louis World's Fair.

Flowery garden-beds and statuary before Machinery Building at the World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S . A.

Taken just as the Great Floral Clock struck the half hour, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

Flowery garden-beds and statuary before Machinery Building at the World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S . A.

Blooming flowers and dancing fountains before E. pavillion of Festival Hall, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S . A.

A flower fringed path near the West Cascades, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.,

Tired World's Fair visitors resting at the Sunken Gardens, World's Fair Grounds, St. Louis, Mo.

Over beautiful gardens to the French Palace and grounds, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.,

Across the Sunken Gardens W. to the stately obelisks of the Mines Bldg., World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S . A.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Mines and Mining Building, Sunken Gardens and Liberal Arts Building.

Bed of foliage plants and wireless telegraph tower, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

Geranium bed in Sunken Garden and Government Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.