The Great East Room in the President's House.
The President's House, Washington.
President's House, North.
President's Room, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Frescoes. Ceiling of President's Room.
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Inauguaration Parade, Washington, D.C..
New York's Crack Regiment, Inauguaration Parade.
West Point Cadets in Inauguaration Parade.
Typical Inaugural Scene - Washington, D.C..
President Roosevelt's Inauguaration Ceremonies.
Opening Address of Inauguaration Ceremonies.
Opening Address of Inauguaration Ceremonies.
Penn'a Ave., Inauguration, Wash. D.C.
The Depot, Inauguration Week, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
On the way to the Monument, Inauguration, Washignton, D.C., U.S.A.
Inaugural Ball Room, Washington, D.C.
Pennsylvania Ave, Inauguration Day, A.
Pennsylvania Ave, Inauguration Day, B.
No. 50. Election Scene, Savannah, Nov. 3, /68.