Camp at Hiddenwood creek.
Camp at Hiddenwood creek.
First crossing of an Alkali Valley.
Our first crossing of an Alkali Valley.
Our first crossing of an Alkali Valley.
Blasting ice with dynamite from in front of steamer on the ways.
Part of Main Street during celebration, Sept. 5, 1883. Bismarck, D.T.
Bird's-eye view of Bismarck, D.T.
View of a large public building.
The Grand Central Hotel at Hope, D.T. [Dakota Territory], the end of the Manatoba [Manitoba] west branch in August 1882. About 70 miles from Larimore south-west.
Episcopal mission, Yankton Agency, D.T.
Sitting Bull's Camp: sectional view.
Petrified wood on indurated clay pillars.
Sitting Bull and his favorite squaw, with officers and their ladies
Sitting Bull and his favorite squaw, with officers and their ladies.
Sioux Falls showing American flag flying over street, building identified as Cataract House.
Summer view. [Showing Indian tipis.]
Issuing rations. (Showing an Indian with a pipe in his hand in the foreground.)
Landing of the Villard and Rufus Hatch party at Bismarck, D.T. [Dakota Territory], Sept. 5/83.
At Vermillion, Dakota. Old channel of Mo. [Missouri] River and Nebraska in the distance.
At Vemillion Nebraska in the distance also the Mo. [Missouri] River. Vermillion runs between the two houses.
At Vermillion, Dakota. View of Mo. [Missouri] River and the Vermillion.
In the park at Vermillion, Dakota.
At Vermille [Vermillion], Dakota. Old town site.
G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] reunion at Yankton, Sept. 9-11, 1884.
Distant view, Fort Lincoln. [Showing a buffalo skull on the prairie in foreground.]
Deadwood City, in Whitewood Gulch.