Willie House and Mt. Willie.
McGilliveray Cut, P. & O.R.R. Crawford Notch, N.H.
Crawford Notch, White Mountains.
Crawford House, White Mountains, N.H.
Notch, White Mountain Notch, N.H.
Flume Cascade, White Mountain Notch.
Pulpit Rock, Crawford Notch.
Nancy's Brook and Bridge.
Gates of Crawford Notch from Crawford House.
Silver Cascade, White Mountain Notch.
Willey House, White Mt. Notch.
Silver Cascade, White Mountain Notch.
Crawford House, White Mts., N.H.
White Mountain Notch, N.H.
Old Crawford House and Nancy's Brook.
Mt. Willard, from the Notch.
J. Lang Couch's residence. Benj. H. Couch, standing near the wagon.
J. Lang Couch's residence.