Shenandoah River, from Strasburg.
Salt Pond Mountain view, Virginia.
View of the monument for the Second Battle of Bull Run.
View of the monument for the Second Battle of Bull Run.
View of monument for the First Battle of Bull Run, (showing Union officers and others).
House where Gen. Lee signed Capitulation papers.
Where Gen. Lee surrendered, Appamattox.
Cabin house, Petersburg, Va.
Cabin house, Petersburg, Va.
Blanford Church, built 1729, Petersburg, Va.
Blanford Church, built 1729, Petersburg, Va.
Blanford Church, built 1729, Petersburg, Va.
Market Square, Norfolk, Va.
Typical mountain schoolhouse, Blue Ridge Montains, U.S.A.
Battles of Bull Run. Stonewall, Jackson's entrenched lines.
1st Delaware, 12th New Jersey, and 14th Connecticut, at Stonewall, U.S.A.
U. S. S. Brooklyn, Hampton Roads, Va., U.S.A.
Scene at the Naval Rendezvous, Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.
Visitors at Naval Rendezvous, Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.
Visitors at Naval Rendezvous, Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.
A stylish Virginia turnout, U.S.A. [showing African American boy in goat cart].
A stylish Virginia turnout, U.S.A. [showing African American boy in goat cart].
A stylish Virginia turnout, [showing African American boy in goat cart].
A stylish Virginia turnout, [showing African American boy in goat cart].
Picket guard on the ale[rt], near Lewinsville, Va.
View of harbour [harbor] Norfolk, Va.