Skating scene, park, R.R. and elevator taken when few on ice to avoid blurring. February 1878.
Skating scene, R. R. Park, mill and elevator, before the crowd got there. New Richmond, Feb. 1878.
Devasted in moment, New Richmond, Wis., June 12, 1899.
Flouring Mills (Fremont Mills), New Richmond.
Hotel, Music Hall, Billiard Hall and Drinking Saloon, New Richmond.
General view of New Richmond.
View of a hardware store, New Richmond.
Old "Libby Prison" building, Richmond, Va.
The Union prison camp at "Belle Isle," Richmond, Va.
Dutch Gap Canal, James River.
Washington monument and City Hall, Richmond, Va.
The dungeons, Libby Prison (Richmond), Chicago, U.S.A.
The tomb of Ex-President Monroe.
Monroe's tomb, Hollywood.
The Washington monument, Richmond, Oct. 26th, 1868.
Washington's monument, and St. Paul's Church.
Belle Isle, a noted prison depot.
Ruins of the Arsenal, Richmond.
Ruins of the Arsenal, Richmond.
Ruins of the burnt district.