Cathedral (interior view).
Cathedral (interior view).
Interior view of a church.
Cathedral [interior view], Albany, N.Y.
Interior view of a church.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
New 'State Capitol,' Albany, N.Y. North-east view.
Broadway from State Street, Albany, N.Y.
Grand Stair Case, Capitol, Albany, N.Y.
State Capitol at Albany, N.Y.
Yonkers, N.Y. [View of a church.]
Residence of David Hawley esq. around 1870, Yonkers, N.Y.