Group of Zuni Indian "braves," at their pueblo, N.M.
Group of Zuni Indian "braves," at their pueblo, N.M.
Group of Zuni Indian "braves," at their pueblo, N.M.
Group of Zuni Indian "braves," at their pueblo, N.M.
Gardens surrounding the Indian pueblo of Zuni.
Gardens surrounding the Indian pueblo of Zuni.
Gardens surrounding the Indian pueblo of Zuni.
Zuni Indian girl, with water olla.
Zuni Indian girl, with water olla.
Zuni Indian girl, with water olla.
Zuni Indian girl, with water olla.
Indian pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico; view from the interior.
Indian pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico; view from the interior.
Indian pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico; view from the interior.
Indian pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico; view from the interior.
Apache scouts, at Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca range.
Colorado River, below the Paria.
Colorado River, above the Paria.
Devil's Anvil, Sheavwitz Crossing.
Grand Cañon, Sheavwitz Crossing.
Jacob's Pool, Colorado basin.
The Grand Cañon of the Colorado, near the foot of To-Ro-Weap Valley.
The "Vermillion Cliff," a typical plateau edge, as seen from Jacob's Pool, Arizona.
The "Vermillion Cliff," a typical plateau edge, as seen from Jacob's Pool, Arizona.
The northern wall of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, near the foot of the To-Ro-Weap Valley.
The northern wall of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, near the foot of the To-Ro-Weap Valley.
The northern wall of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, near the foot of the To-Ro-Weap Valley.
The northern wall of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, near the foot of the To-Ro-Weap Valley.