The sea face of Fort Sumpter [sic], east side, Charleston Harbor, S. C., looking n. e..

View from the parapet of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor, S. C., looking n. e..

Interior of the Roman Catholic cathedral, St. John and St. Finbar, Broad Street, Charleston, S. C., destroyed by the Great Fire of 1861.

South battery, Charleston, S. C., looking n. e. ruins of Blakely gun in foreground.

Ruins of the Catholic cathedral, Charleston, S. C. Front view.

View on Meeting St. Charleston, S. C., looking south, showing St. Michael's Church, the Mills House,....

Fort Johnson battery. Ft. Sumpter [sic] in the distance.

View of Fort Sumpter [sic]. Interior, showing remains of a casement and other ruins.

Gen. Ingals' dog. View taken in the trenches before Petersburgh, Va.

Dwelling houses in Petersburgh, Va., showing the effect of Gen. Grant's bombardment.

Ft. Brady, James River, Va. View showing part of battery.

Winter quarters Company C, 1st Conn. heavy [artil]lery, Fort Bradley, James River, Va.

Exchanged Rebel prisoners going to Coxe's Landing, under guard.

Exchanged Rebel prisoners going to Coxe's Landing, under guard.

Dutch Gap canal. Taken after the bank was blown out. James River, Va.

Contrabands at work repairing the rail road at Stone River battle ground, near Murfreesburgh, Tenn.

Gun boat Com. Perry, monitor in the distance, James River, Va.

Contrabands at work repairing the rail road at Stone River battle ground, near Murfreesburgh, Tenn.

Lake Seclusion and Lulu Falls, on the top of Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

Lake Seclusion and Lulu Falls on the top of Lookout Mountain Tenn.

View from the top of Lookout Mountain, looking down the Chattanooga Valley.

Bridge over the Cumberland River on the Louisville and Nashville R. R..