President Roosevelt speaking at dedication of statue of General Wm. T. Sherman, Washington, D.C., Oct. 15th, 1903

One of the hundreds of brief stops on President Roosevelt's long western [...]

"Whether we will or not, we as a nation front a great destiny"--President Roosevelt, South Lawrence, Mass.

"There is no place in our body politic for the idler" - President Roosevelt, Bellows Falls, Vt.

"A square deal for every man, big or small, rich or poor" - President Roosevelt, Lynn, Mass.

"A square deal for every man, big or small, rich or poor" - President Roosevelt, Lynn, Mass.

"Remember, the Monroe Doctrine will be respected as long as we have a first-class Navy" - President Roosevelt, Proctor, Vt.

President Roosevelt coming out of the home of former Secretary Blaine, Augusta, Maine

President Roosevelt and Senator Lodge leaving the hotel, at Northfield, Mass.

"The prerequisites of success - hard work, keen intelligence, unflinching will" - President Roosevelt, Providence, R.I.

"The prerequisites of success - hard work, keen intelligence, unflinching will" - President Roosevelt, Providence, R.I.

"In battle the only shots that count are those that hit" - President Roosevelt's speech on the navy - Haverhill, Mass.

"In battle the only shots that count are those that hit"--President Roosevelt's speech on the navy--Haverhill, Mass.

"The law of successful national life is the law of work" - President Roosevelt's Labor Day speech, Rutland, Vt.

"Let us deal generously with Cuba, as befits a great republic" - President Roosevelt, Lowell, Mass.

"Let us deal generously with Cuba, as befits a great republic" - President Roosevelt, Lowell, Mass.

"The need in public and private life is common sense, decency, courage." - President Roosevelt, Willimantic, Conn.

"Our history contains no name worth remembering of any man who led a life of ease" - President Roosevelt, Concord, N.H.

"Our history contains no name worth remembering of any man who led a life of ease" - President Roosevelt, Concord, N.H.

"The path of national greatness never is easy or smooth" - President Roosevelt, Nahant, Mass.

"Evils in the body politic are conquered by courageous resolution, not by hysterics" - President Roosevelt, Millers Falls, Mass.

"The soldier, however patriotic, who runs away is no good" - President Roosevelt, Brattleboro, Vt.

"Evils come with progress - destroy the evils but not the progress" - President Roosevelt, Nashua Junction, N.H.

The great crowd intently listening to President Roosevelt's now famous "Trust" speech, Providence, R.I.

"The heroic in a crisis are those who prepare by doing common-place duties well" - President Roosevelt, S. Royalton, Vt.

Democracy of Americanism - an American President (Roosevelt) greeting an American workingman - Tennessee

"To North and South the great war's memories are priceless heritages of honor" - Prest. Roosevelt, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.