9th Pa. Res. near Round Top. [Monument]
Union gun with Confederate shot lodged in mouth.
General view of National Cemetry.
Statue of General Reynolds.
Where the first shot was fired. Gettysburg, U.S.A.
Little Round Top, from Devil's Den, Gettysburg, U.S.A.
Rebel shot, lodged in Union gun at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Spangler's Spring, Gettysburg, Pa.
The valley of death, from Little Round Top, Gettysburg.
From Little Round Top, overloooking the Valley of Death.
From Little Round Top, overloooking the Valley of Death.
From the Panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg. Gen Gibbon's Brigade repelling Pickett's Charge.
Battery B, East Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pa.
North from Little Round Top, Gettysburg.
Dead soldiers near Wheatfield.
View of dead at Devil's Den.
Battle of Gettysburg July 2 1863.
Pickett's Charge, 3rd day's fight.
Charge of the Penna. Reserves.
Convalescence at [Genl?] Hospital. [View of soldiers in front of the tents at Camp Letterman General Hospital.]
General Harrow at Gettysburg.
Union batteries hurrying into action.
The death of Lt. Cushing.
A view to the right of Angle along the stone wall.
During Pickett's Charge. [Penna.?] Brig[ade] in action.
Stereoscopic views of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Dead Union soldier, arm torn off and disemboweled.
Stereoscopic views of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.