Girard Avenue bridge. (R.R. bridge over Cirmantown [sic] road.)
Chew's house, Germantown. (Around this house the battle of Germantown was fought in the Revolution.)
Falls Station bridge leading to Richmond, near Philadelphia.
House of Mr. Garsed (?), Frankford, Pa.
A mill-dam, Frankford Creek, [Pa.] Scornful of a check, it leaps the mill-dam and wantons in the pelby gulf below.
Bridge on the Schuylkill Canal. Above Manayunk.
Philadelphia, from Independence Hall.
Philadelphia, from "La Piere House."
Philadelphia, from Lapierre House, (Fairmount).
Girard College, Philadelphia.
Mr. Caleb Cope's [house], Philadelphia.
Vestibule of Girard College, Philadelphia.
Old Mortality." Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila.
On the Wissahickon, near Philadelphia [including view of a bridge].
On the Wissahickon, near Philadelphia [including view of a bridge].
On the Wissahickon, near Philadelphia.
Lemon Hill, Philadelphia.
Fairmount water works, Philadelphia.
Warner, Miskey & Merrill's show room [with lamps and fixtures], 718 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Bayley & Co.'s jewelry store [interior view], 819 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.