"All their weary marches done, all their battles fought and won." American dead in the Meuse-Argonne
Love Bids Him Stay, But Duty Calls to the Man in Khaki
The Hanging man of the "Bois d'Avocourt" sector of the 79th Division
A few more reasons "Why Germany Quit" - large railway guns of the Army and Navy
Men in training at Fort Meyer [sic], being instructed in how to throw hand grenades, Va.
"All their Weary Marches Done, All their Battles Fought and Won" American Dead in the Meuse-Argonne
Americans escorting German prisoners to the rear, Meuse-Argonne
Our boys in France learning to correctly use gas masks
Gold Miners at work in the Klondike Mining District, Alaska
A dreary place to live - Main Street, Wrangel, Alaska - famous for its saloons and Indian totem poles
"Dan's Cabin" the most noted stopping place on the Klondike trail, Hootalinqua River, Alaska
Among the ice, Kozukuk River, Alaska
Dinner time on the steamer bound for Alaska
Buying Alaskan outfits, Seattle, Wash.
The Klondike, Discovery claim
The Klondike--prospectors a [sic] Claim 29, above Hunker
The Klondike: Summit Station - White Pass Railroad
The Klondike: Mining town of Niles Canon
The Klondike: Niles Canon showing tramway
The strenuous life in the Klondyke [i.e., Klondike]
The miner's favorite resort, a gambling house, Nome, Alaska
Searching the sands of Anvil Creek for the precious particles (gold), near Nome, Alaska
In the Klondyke: The Melbourne Hotel, Dawson, Y.T.
U.S. Post Office inspector on his trip through Alaska
Bound for the Klondike gold fields, Chilcoot Pass, Alaska
Bound for the Klondike Gold Fields, Chilcoot Pass, Alaska
The Klondike--washing done and fortunes told, Dawson City
Miners and packers climbing the "Golden Stair" Trail, Chilcoot Pass, Alaska
Steamer QUEEN at Haines Mission, Alaska, enroute to the Klondyke