Sampson's fleet--U.S. battleship Oregon--forward deck

Boat-load of MAINE relics, Key West, Fla.

Load! 1st Kentucky Volunteers - Porto [sic] Rican Army

Troop D of the 'Rough Riders' as they went into Cuba

The last of the Spanish army in Havana, Cuba (under the palace colonnade)

Cuba: At the death line, Santiago, where prisoners were shot

Brawny native shovelers at nitrate reduction plant, Chile, So. Am.

Packing tea for shipment to the United States, Japan

Packing tea in one-pound paper parcels, Japan

Boxers on trial before the High Court, China

9th U.S. Infantry beginning the historic march to relieve the besieged Peking Legations - outskirts of Tientsin, China

Burning of Tongu - U.S.S. MONACACY at landing with hole through bow made by Chinese shell - China

Native christians fleeing from the "Boxers" - Chinese refugees being taken away from Tientsin, China

Driven from home - Chinese refugees assembling at the boat landing on the Pei-ho, Tientsin, China

Columbia's noble soldier boys--as kind-hearted as brave--American giving water to wounded Japanese after Battle of Tientsin, China

British Legation, scene of heroic fortitude during the terrible siege - from barricaded city wall - Peking China

Ministers of Foreign Powers during negotiations with China - leaving Spanish legation after a sitting - Peking, China

Japanese doctors attending their wounded after the Battle of Tientsin, China