Beautiful Salt Lake City receives an honored guest - arrival of President Roosevelt

President Roosevelt's "whole-souled" welcome to the South - arrival at Richmond, Virginia

Artillery dashing past President Roosevelt - military review at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas

Ex-President Roosevelt responding to the welcome of his countrymen on his arrival in New York after his extended trip abroad, June 18, 1910

President Roosevelt and hunting party, Dr. Chapman and Mr. Stewart - on the vacation trip to Texas and Colorado, U.S.A.

Pres. Roosevelt, Dr. Chapman & Mr. Stewart of the President's hunting party on the road to Glenwood - coming in from the camp

Bulloch mansion, the house of his mother, visited by President Roosevelt, Roswell, Ga.

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P. B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

President Roosevelt and party after nine hours ride through rain and mud, Rocky Mts., Col.

The Godspeed of an American crowd to an American president, - President's special leaving Colorado Springs, Col.

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

The National Palace and street scene, Managua, Nicaragua, C.A.

The picturesque city market, Masaya, Nicaragua, C. A.