Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. 7th Regiment going down

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. A good view

[Spanish frigate Berenguela, docked at the Battery, New York City, New York]

Steamship Great Eastern, lying at the dock foot of Hammond-Street, New-York

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese with the treaty

[Procession of Japanese embassy officials along Broadway, during visit to New York City, 1860]

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese from behind the treaty box and Tommy

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese from behind the treaty box and Tommy

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. View down Broadway

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Broadway looking down

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Broadway looking up

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860

Interior of the Prince of Wales' cabin on board the Hero. It is fitted and furnished plainly but comfortably; on the table may be seen a small bust of his mother

Prince of Wales' dining room on board the Hero. On the left may be seen a book-case made from the wood of the Victory (Nelson's ship,) built 1767; above it hangs a picture of Lord Nelson

[Instantaneous view of the Prince of Wales' ship Hero firing a salute, Portland, Maine]

Embarkation of the Prince of Wales on board the Hero, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860, the yards being manned, and a royal salute fired as he steps on board

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Procession advancing

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860