Niagara Suspension Bridge. [Man in a top hat standing on railroad tracks.]
Luna Island, Niagara Falls.
Luna Island, Niagara Falls.
Luna Island, snow bound, Niagara Falls.
Exquisite iced foliage, Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
Falls from Prospect Park, Niagara.
Blondin 1860. [Tightrope artist 'Blondin' crosses over the river.]
Suspension Bridge, Niagara.
Sig. Farini's ascension across Niagara River.
Interior of Niagara Suspension Bridge.
Falls from Prospect Point, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.
Bridge to Second Sister Island, Niagara Falls. [Hand-colored view.]
Pollux Bridge to Burning Spring, Niagara Falls.
Suspension Bridge, [view in park?], Niagara.
New Suspension Bridge, Niagara.
Fountain in Prospect Park, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Sleigh ride in Prospect Park.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall.
[...] Table Rock, Niagara Falls.
Horse Shoe Fall, Sister Islands and rapids.
Niagara, first glimpse of falls, from Canada Southern Railway.
Sister Islands [Niagara Falls].
Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall from Goat Island.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Falls.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Falls.
Niagara, first glimpse of falls, from Canada Southern Railway.
Niagara, Railway Suspension Bridge.