Christ Church - the old country church of Sagamore Hill where Col. Roosevelt attended services and where the last simple rites were spoken

The casket, draped in the flag Theodore Roosevelt loved, being carried into Christ Church, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Funeral procession ascending to grave on the little knoll in the rustic cemetery Col. Roosevelt chose as his last resting place, Young's Memorial Cem., Long Island, N.Y.

Grave of Theodore Roosevelt who answered the final call of taps Jan. 6, 1919. U.S. officer standing at guard

President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.

President Roosevelt's vacation trip - the return from the bear hunt, nearing Glenwood, Col., U.S.A.

Roosevelt, the great American of to-day in roughing costume ready for the trail - West Divide, Colorado

The Godspeed of an American crowd to an American president, - President's special leaving Colorado Springs, Col.

In the shadow of the Rockies - President Roosevelt ready to return to the cares of State, Glenwood Springs, Col.

The bronzed President, after three weeks exposure to wind and storm in mountains of Colorado

President Roosevelt and party after nine hours ride through rain and mud, Rocky Mts., Col.

America's tribute to its Chief Magistrate - thus crowds greet him everywhere

President Roosevelt addressing the citizens of Noblesville, on his western tour, Indiana

Saluting President Roosevelt as he leaves St. Louis, Mo., on his Mississippi trip

The imposing spectacle on board Admiral Sperry's flagship, the "Connecticut," as President Roosevelt delivered the address of welcome to the returning fleet - Hampton Roads, Va., Feb. 22, 1909

President Roosevelt paying tribute to the nations heroes unveiling of Jersey's monument, Antietam Battlefield, Sept. 17, 1903

President Roosevelt addressing veterans at dedication of Jersey monument on the field of the bloody Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1903

President Roosevelt finishing his address in the rain, dedication of Jersey monument, Antietam Battlefield, Sept. 17, 1903

Enjoying an outdoor luncheon, Theodore Roosevelt in Colorado

President Roosevelt and Booker Washington reviewing the 61 "industry" floats, Tuskegee, Ala.

President Roosevelt urges Trinity students to be worthy [of] their alma mater - Durham, N.C.

The return from the bear hunt, - President Roosevelt and party on road from Newcastle, Col.