Battlefield Hotel, the outer post of sharp shooters

Meadow over which the 2d Mass. and 27th Indiana charged on morning of July 3d. Woods occupied by Confederates, Johnson's Div., Ewell's Corps

Interior of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers "Fort Hell," showing Union soldiers on the breastworks

Interior of the Rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation", showing gabions, "chevaux de frise", &c

Interior of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va. View taken April 3, 1865

View from the parapet of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., showing gabions, bombproofs, "chevaux de frise" and rifle pits in the distance

Interior view of the Rebel works in front of Petersburgh [sic], Va. showing ammunition boxes, canteens and soldiers' effects scattered around. This view was taken the morning after the storming of Petersburgh, Va., April 2d, 1865

Interior of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va. View taken April 3, 1865

Chevaux-de-Frise in front of the Rebel Works at Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va.

Interior of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers "Fort Hell," showing Union soldiers on the breastworks

Ditch and "Cheavaux de frise" in front of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the Rebel soldiers "Fort Hell"

Ditch and "Cheavaux de Frise" in front of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers "Fort Hell"