Lafayette Park, Baltimore, Md.
Men and women posing around unidentified fountain.
Battle Monument, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, Baltimore, MD.
Mountain Vernon Hotel and Washington Monument.
Washington Monument, looking north.
Monument Square, from Baltimore Street.
Battle Monument and Gilmore House.
Wildey (I.O.O.F.) Monument. Broadway Bouleward, Baltimore.
Wildey (I.O.O.F.) Monument. Harlem Terrace, Baltimore, Md.
Battle Monument, Baltimore, Md.
Washington Monument, Mt. Vernon and Washington Place.
Washington Monument, 180 feet high. Mt Vernon Place, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, 180 feet high. Mt. Vernon on east chunk, Peabody Institution on the right.
Battle Monument, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, 180 feet high, Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, 180 feet high. Mt Vernon Place, Baltimore.
Washington Monument, Mt. Vernon and Washington Place.
Washington Monument, Mt. Vernon and Washington Place.
Battle Monument at Monument Square.
The Battle Monument at Baltimore.
Wildey's Old Fellows Monument.