Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. 7th Regiment going down

Commodore Seymour, Commander Sterling, and Officers of H. M. Ship Hero, (the Prince's), 90 guns

Encampment of Palmetto Guard, Sumter Guard, and Marion Artillery, the companies who fought the Comings (i.e. Cummings) Point Batteries

Continuation of view no. 1009, showing rear of Battery Dantzler, (Howlett's) with view of Howlett's house. Taken with instrument on top of high magazine, shown in extreme distance of no. 1009

15-inch (i.e. 13-inch) mortar, "Dictator" in the works in front of Petersburg, Va. View from the north, September 1, 1864

[Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23rd and 24th May, 1865]