Which shall first.

Stone Quarry

Publisher: Pereira, Enrique
Photographer: Cubela, Jesús
Series: FPENP
No.: 13
Subjects: girl, stone, quarry, uruguay
Collection: User Contributed (Alan Aguiar)

Zero milestone and south portico of the White House, Washington, D.C.

Zero milestone and south portico of the White House, Washington, D.C.

President Roosevelt and Major Pitcher before Liberty Cap - a long extinct geyser at Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt and Major Pitcher before Liberty Cap - a long extinct geyser at Yellowstone Park

Away from the cares of state - President Roosevelt ready to enter Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt and the noted naturalist John Burroughs, at Fort Yellowstone, Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt at Fort Yellowstone, ready for his trip through Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt at Fort Yellowstone, ready for his trip through Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt's western tour - visiting Liberty Gap, Yellowstone Nat. Park

President Roosevelt's western tour - a speech at the entrance to Yellowstone Nat. Park

Northern gateway to Yellowstone Park - scene at corner-stone laying by President Roosevelt, Gardiner

Broad Street, lined with school children applauding President Roosevelt, Richmond, Va.

President Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt and party aboard the "Mayflower," review of war fleet, Oyster Bay, Aug. 17, 1903

President and Mrs. Roosevelt and guests - noted officers and yachtsmen, at Naval review, off Long Island

Gen. Thos. J. Jackson, ("Stonewall")

Gen. Thos. J. Jackson, "Stonewall"

[Stonewall Jackson]

Burnside Bridge, Antietam, Sept., 1862

General Meade's Headquarters at Gettysburg

On the battlefield at Stone River

On the battlefield at Stone River

North-West corner public square, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., destroyed by the rebels under McCausland, July 30th, 1864

Stonework of the Terrace [Central Park]

Stonework of the Terrace [Central Park]

Stone-work of the Terrace [Central Park]

Burnside Bridge, eastern view

Bridge on the Boonsboro Pike, Antietam, Md.

View of breastworks on Round Top - the hill which formed our extreme left at the battle of Gettysburg