Terrapin Tower - Niagara. Winter.
Horseshoe Fall, N. Y.
Horseshoe Falls, from extending tree, G. I.
General view, from the American side.
Terrapin Tower & falls from Goat Island.
Below foot of Goat Island
North Point Water Tower.
General view of Rocky Point from Steamer Oceanview.
Rocky Point Hotel.
View at Niagara. [Terrapin Tower and Horse Shoe Falls, winter.]
Terrapin Tower, Niagara Falls.
Part of Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.
Terrapin Tower, winter view.
Horse Shoe Fall from Goat Island, Niagara.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall [and Terrapin Tower].
Niagara, great Horse Shoe Fall in winter.
Terrapin Tower, Niagara Falls.
View of Horse Shoe and American Falls, from Prospect Point.
Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall [and Terrapin Tower].
Horse Shoe Falls.
High Bridge. New York.
High Bridge (Croton Aqueduct), across Harlem River, from the East.
Tower at High Bridge.
High Bridge, N.Y. City.
High Bridge & Tower.
High Bridge and its Tower.
Savannah Reservoir.