West Point from the oppposite shore.

President Roosevelt's choicest recreation - amid nature's rugged grandeur on Glacier Point, Yosemite

President Roosevelt's choicest recreation - amid nature's rugged grandeur on Glacier Point, Yosemite

President Roosevelt's choicest recreation - amid nature's rugged grandeur on Glacier Point, Yosemite

Amidst America's noblest scenery - President Roosevelt on Glacier Point,Yellowstone Valley, California

General Hospital at City Point, Va.

General hospital wharf. Army of the Potomac, City Point, Va.

General Grant's horse "Jeff Davis"

General Grant's horse, "Jeff Davis"

General Grant's horse "Cincinnati"

Soldiers' winter quarters, Army of the Potomac. Inside the first line of fortifications, near City Point, Va.

Lt. Gen. Grant's Head Quarters, City Point, Va. May 29, 1865

Soldiers' graves near the General Hospital, City Point, Va.

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

[Hudson River from West Point, New York]

Hudson River & ruins of Fort Constitution, West-Point

Looking down the Hudson from West-Point

Encampment of Palmetto Guard, Sumter Guard, and Marion Artillery, the companies who fought the Comings (i.e. Cummings) Point Batteries

President Poincare and Marshall Joffre visiting officers' quarters on the Somme front

Cape Disappointment-Light House (mouth of Columbia River,) 1st order fixed light, 232 feet above sea level, and fog bell

Point Reyes-Light House, looking west

Point Reyes-Light House, looking west

View of tornado damage, 1878, Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

View of tornado damage, Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

The battery at Fort Canby, Washington Territory

View at Kittanning Point.

View at Kittanning Point.

Kittanning Point.