Girard College, Phila.
The Funeral of Mr. Lincoln in Broad Street - Philadelphia - April 22nd, 1865
Philadelphia as you see it on Lombard Street
Street scene, Philadelphia, Pa.
Among the flowers of Fairmount Park, Philadelphia
An avenue of chrysanthemums, exhibition in Horticulture Hall, Fairmont Park, Phila.
President Roosevelt in his carriage after dedication of Philadelphia High School
American china exhibit, Main Bldg., Philadelphia Centennial International Exhibition
Gov't. Building, Dep't. of Education
"Lincoln's Funeral," Philadelphia
Publisher: Glover, Ridgway
Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, Death & Burial, Hearses, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Crowds, Funeral Rites & Ceremonies, United States, History, Civil War
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Philadelphia (corner Chestnut Street)
Publisher: Glover, Ridgway
Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, Death & Burial, Funeral Rites & Ceremonies, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Hearses, Streets, United States, History, Civil War
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Relics and curiosities, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
Art gallery, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
Penn Parlor, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
Arms & relics, Dr. Kane's boat
Publisher: Watson, A.
Subjects: Kane, Elisha Kent, Associated Objects, Great Central Fair For The U.S. Sanitary Commission, Philadelphia, Pa.), United States, History, Civil War, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
No. 3, Horticultural Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864
No. 9, Union vase, Great Central Fair, Phila[d]elphia, June, 1864
Union Avenue, The Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
Agricultural Department, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
No. 2, Art gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864
Sanitary Fair, Labor, Income & Revenue Dept.
Department of Horticulture, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia], 1864
Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia
The picture gallery, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia]
Department of Arms & Trophies, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia], 1864
Children Dept. [i.e. Department],
Relics & curiosities
No. 3, Horticultural Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864
Arms & trophies, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
The Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864