The "Sunken Road" at Antietam

View of cottage on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.

View of cottage on Alex. Knox's plantation, Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S.C.

Steamer Chicora - noted blocade (i.e. blockade) runner

Art and Science Museum, Edinburgh.

Photographer: Gordon, H.
Subjects: Bones, Animals, Skeletons, Science, Museums, Natural History
Collection: User Contributed (James)

Museum, Smithsonian Institution

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Photographer: Jarvis, John F.
Subjects: Museums, Smithsonian, Natural History, Dinosaurs, Skeletons
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Megatherium, Smithsonian Institute.

Publisher: Bierstadt, Charles
Photographer: Bierstadt, Charles (1819-1903)
No.: 37
Subjects: Bones, Skeletons, Dinosaur, Natural History
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Skeleton of Whale, Cleethorpes

No.: 979
Subjects: Skeletons, Natural History, Bones
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Art and Science Museum, Edinburgh.

Photographer: Gordon, H.
Subjects: Bones, Animals, Skeletons, Science, Museums, Natural History
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Moths & Butterflies

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
No.: 89
Subjects: Moths, Butterflies, Inserts, Natural History
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Smithsonian Institute, Interior

Subjects: Smithsonian, Washington D.C., Natural History
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Carlisle Barracks, Portico - Officers' Quarters

St. Helena Village, St. Helena Island, So.Ca. [i.e. South Carolina]

Smith Plantation Port Royal Island SC

School Farm, St. Helena Island SC

Kingman's Lumber Yard and black photo gallery

Horse & buggy, with teachers, "Old Fort" Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

Group of scholars on St. Helena Is., SC, No. 1

Freedman's Bank Beaufort So. Ca.

Group of old folks at home, "Old Fort" plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

Capitol Hill area. Whites moving into city

Monument near the western entrance to the Capitol

Nelson House, Yorktown, Va., headquarters of General Cornwallis

New York City and vicinity

[Maquette of Union soldier for Roxbury Soldiers' Monument and other sculptures at the studio of Martin Milmore in Boston, Massachusetts]

The Confederate

President Roosevelt and Governor McMillin reviewing troops, on the site of a desperate charge, Chickamauga battlefield, Tenn.

President Roosevelt and Governor McMillin reviewing troops, on the site of a desperate charge, Chickamauga battlefield, Tenn.

Lincoln's old soldiers escorting President Roosevelt to the Capitol - Inauguration, Washington

[Gifford Pinchot, half-length portrait, seated]