U.S. Naval cadets on Connecticut Ave. Admiral Sampson's funeral

"The need in public and private life is common sense, decency, courage." - President Roosevelt, Willimantic, Conn.

The imposing spectacle on board Admiral Sperry's flagship, the "Connecticut," as President Roosevelt delivered the address of welcome to the returning fleet - Hampton Roads, Va., Feb. 22, 1909

[Conservatory view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

[View of the rotunda, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Conn.]

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Conn.]

P.T. Barnum's residence, Bridgeport, Conn.

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

P.T. Barnum's parlors

P.T. Barnum's parlors, Bridgeport, Conn.

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Conn.]

[Music room, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

P.T. Barnum's residence, Bridgeport, Ct.

[Sitting room, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

View in a conservatory

[Drawing room, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

Grove Palace, West Haven, [Connecticut]

Valley of the Connecticut, Newbury, Vt.

Valley of the Connecticut, Newbury, Vt.

View on the Connecticut, from Monroe, N.H.

Valley of the Connecticut.

Valley of the Connecticut.

The immense dam which holds the waters of the Connecticut for the mills of Holyoke.

The immense dam which holds the waters of the Connecticut for the mills of Holyoke.

View from the City Hall.

Mill no. 4. Inspecting room.

Mill no. 4. Bridge from mill no. 1 to mill no. 4.

Mill no. 4 and bridge.

Mill no. 4. One pair engines, 250 H.P., making 350 rev. per min.

Mill no. 4. One pair engines, 250 H.P., making 350 rev. per min.