Ruins of Cathedral, Broad Street, looking South East
Publisher: Soule, John P.
Subjects: War Damage, South Carolina, Charleston, Catholic Churches, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Ruins of Cathedral, Broad Street, front view
Publisher: Soule, John P.
Subjects: War Damage, South Carolina, Charleston, Catholic Churches, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Ruins of Cathedral, Broad Street
Publisher: Soule, John P.
Subjects: War Damage, South Carolina, Charleston, Catholic Churches, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Ruins of the Roman Catholic Cathedral. Interior view
Ruins of the Roman Catholic Cathedral. Interior view
Panoramic view, the ruins of Charleston, S.C., Roman Catholic Cathedral in the distance
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Subjects: Buildings, South Carolina, Charleston, Catholic Churches, War Damage, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Charleston (S.C.), Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Interior of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, St. John and St. Finbar, Broad Street, Charleston, S.C., destroyed by the great fire of 1861
Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C. Front view
Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C. Front view
Ruins of Cathedrals St. John & St. Finabar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston
Ruins of Cathedral St. John & St. Finibar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston
Ruins of Cathedral St. John & St. Finibar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston
Notre Dame, N. Orleans
Ruins, Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Catholic Churches, South Carolina, Charleston, War Damage, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Outside view, Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Catholic Churches, South Carolina, Charleston, War Damage, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Interior view, Catholic Cathedral
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Stairways, South Carolina, Charleston, Catholic Churches, War Damage, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Catholic Churches, South Carolina, Charleston, War Damage, United States, History, Civil War, Destruction & Pillage, Union, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The church at Pasig, showing barricaded tower windows and stone wall defences, Philippines
Church at San Pedro Macati, used as a hospital, Philippine Islands
The church at Guadalupe - destroyed by fire - the scene of hard fighting, Philippine Islands
Washington troops at the Taquig [i.e. Taguig] church, just before they charged the Filipinos - sentinels watching the enemy - P.I.
Publisher: Strohmeyer & Wyman
Subjects: United States, Army, Washington Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1st, People, Philippines, Taguig, Catholic Churches, Soldiers, American, History, Philippine American War, Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
St. Aloysius Church, Wash. D.C.
Interior of St. Aloysius Church.
Interior of St' Aloysius Church.
Interior of St' Aloysius Church.
Irish Catholic Church, First Street.
Church of the Visitation, B.V.M. Broadway, Saratoga, N.Y.
St. Paul's Cathedral, New York.
Interior of St. Patrick Cathedral, New York.
St. Patrick Cathedral, New York.