Camp beseiged by a bear.

A camp scene - hanging up the big bear

Perils of frontier life - a fierce encounter with a giant of the forest

A struggle with bruin in the wilds of Oregon

Bear shooting on the frontier

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

Dogs at foot of bear tree

First little bear - dogs below

Fourth little bear

"We got ten bears in all." - President Roosevelt's first interview on the road from the bear hunt

After the bear hunt, - President Roosevelt and party on the road from Newcastle to Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Beginning the great hunt - President Roosevelt and party entering bear country - Colorado

Beginning the great hunt - President Roosevelt and party entering bear country - Colorado

Happy and healthy after his bear hunt - President Roosevelt returning to Glenwood Springs, Colorado

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P. B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

President Roosevelt and party starting into the mountains - for the great bear hunt - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

President Roosevelt, his companions and guides starting on the great bear hunt

The return from the bear hunt, - President Roosevelt and party on road from Newcastle, Col.

A camp scene - hanging up the big bear

Camp beseiged by a bear.