Sing Sing Prison Cell Blocks.

Sing Sing Prison. (Prisoners going to work.)

Sing Sing Prison. (Prisoners going to work.)

Sing Sing Prison. (Prisoners going to work.)

Sing Sing Prison. (Prisoners going to work.)

Sing Sing Prison. (Guard in front of the Guardhouse.)

Sing Sing Prison. (Guard in front of the Guardhouse.)

The Hospital. Sing Sing Prison.

Sing Sing Prison.

Sing Sing Prison.

Watch Tower, Sing Sing Prison, N.Y.

View near Sing Sing, N.Y.

Prisoners going to work, Sing Sing, N.Y.

Dining Room, Sing Sing Prison, N.Y.

Prison, Sing Sing, N.Y.

Prison, Sing Sing, N.Y.

Sing Sing. [View.]

Sing Sing. [View.]

View of the Prison, West side.

Front view of the female Prison.

Marble Quarries of the Prison, with Convicts at work.

View, looking south on the Hudson River R.R. near the Prison, with the Guard House.

Guard House on the margin of the Hudson, south of the Prison.

View, looking south, on the Hudson River R.R. near the Prison, with the Guard House.

Prison and workshops, looking south.

Interior view of Sing Sing.

Hudson River. [View of the Prison.]

Sing Sing Prison, interior view.

Thomas Oxford, Adeline L. Oxford, Henry & James Oxford. Taken Aug. 1875 at Sharon.

Mohawk Valley from Pavillion Piazza, Sharon Springs, New York.