The Vernal Fall, 350 feet high. Yo Semite Valley

Mirror Lake, Yo Semite Valley

Sentinel House, Yo Semite Valley

At the ferry, Yo Semite Fall in the distance

Glacial Rock, 3900 feet high, Yo Semite Valley

At the foot of the trail, Yo Semite Valley

Cloud's Rest, (10500 feet above the sea) from Little Yo-Semite Valley

Mirror Lake, Yo Semite Valley

Mirror Lake, Yo Semite Valley

El Capitan, (3100 feet above valley) from foot of Bridal Veil Fall

Looking down the river, below Vernal Fall

Bridal Veil mountain, (4500 feet above valley)

At the ferry

View from trail, near Nevada Fall

Natural bridge, on the trail leading to Vernal Fall

Register Rock, on the trail leading to Vernal Fall

Sentinel Rock, (3270 feet high) and Hutchings' Hotel

Mirror Lake, Yo Semite Valley

Hutchings' Hotel

Sentinel House

Laddeig's Hotel

Round Tower, from summit of Nevada Fall trail

Mirror Lake and Mt. Watkins

View on Mirror Lake

View on Mirror Lake

Glacier Rock and Mirror Lake

South Dome, (6000 ft. above valley) and Old Man Mountain, from Mirror Lake

Old Man Mountain, from Mirror Lake

Sentinel Rock, (3270 ft. above valley) from near Three Graces

Sentinel Rock, (3270 feet high) from opp. side of valley