View up the valley from the Coulterville Road, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa co., Cal.

Interior view, Fort Sumter. Charleston in distance

Inside view, Fort Sumter

Inside view, Fort Sumter, March 1865. Looking s.w. across the southwestern front

Outside view, Fort Sumter, north face

Inside view, Fort Sumter

Three gun batty, Vanderhorst Wharf, Charleston, S.C.

Inside view, Fort Sumter. Morris Island in distance

Inside view, Fort Sumter, March 1865, looking S.E. across south western front

Exterior of sally port, Fort Moultrie, outside, March 1865

Sally port (outside), Fort Moultrie, Sullivans Island

Parapet, Fort Sumter

Outside view Fort Sumter, looking N.E., March, 1865

Fort Johnson. Fort Sumter in the distance. James Island, March, 1865

Parapet, Fort Sumter

View on Battery, Charleston harbor Charleston, S.C.

Outside view, Fort Sumter

Outside view, Fort Sumter

Outside view, Fort Sumter, as seen from Morris Id

Outside view, Fort Sumter

Outside view, Fort Sumter, n. east face

Calhoun's grave, St. Philip's Ch'yard, Charleston, S.C.

Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.

Interior view, Catholic Cathedral

View on Batt'y, Charleston, S.C.

Circular Ch., St Philip's Ch., Secession Hall, Charleston, S.C.

Outside view, Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.

Ruins, Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C.

Circular Ch., St Philip's Ch., Secession Hall, Charleston, S.C.

Outside view of Fort Sumter, March, 1865. Foot of slope on southwestern front, looking S.E.