Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Machinery Building and lagoon

Entrancing beauty of the exposition, lower cascade gardens, fountains and towers of Machinery Hall, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A.

Palace of Machinery, the Exposition home of force and power, covering 12 acres and costing $510,000, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904

Looking through the joyous tear-drops of the central cascades to Louisiana Purchase Monument, St. Louis, Mo.

Louisiana Purchase Monument from across the lagoon, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A.

Louisiana Purchase Monument and Manufactures Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

Louisiana Purchase Monument, Varied Industries Bldg., and gondolas on the basin, World's Fair, St. Louis

Louisiana Purchase Monument, Manufactures and Education Bldgs., from Festival Hall, World's Fair, St. Louis

Louisiana Monument and Palace of Varied Industries, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

Louisiana Monument, most notable memorial of the World's Fair commemorating the purchase of Louisiana Territory from France by U. S. in 1803

The Sunken Gardens and south face of Liberal Arts Building, St. Louis World's Fair

Central arch, Palace of Liberal Arts, fronting Sunken Gardens, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A .

Palace of Liberal Arts, from across the east lagoon, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A .

Palace of Liberal Arts, west side, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

Palace of Liberal Arts, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

With a glory that is not of this world, Varied Industries Building and Louisiana Purchase Monument from basin

Looking down at Louisiana Purchase Monument and Palace of Varied Industries , Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo.

Louisiana Monument and Palace of Varied Industries across Plaza St. Louis, St. Louis World's Fair

Louisiana Purchase Monument, Varied Industires Bldg., and gondolas on the basin, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A.

The main lagoon, central cascade, and Festival Hall, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904

Charming south lagoon along Cascade Gardens, Electricity and Machinery Buildings in the distance, Louisiana Puchase Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A.

Daniel Boone Bridge over east lagoon, Liberal Arts Building on left, Mines Building on right and Government Building in distance, Louisiana Puchase Exposition, 1904

Mines and Metallurgy and the Liberal Arts Building from east cascade terrace showing the lagoon. Louisiana Puchase Exposition, 1904

Palace of Liberal Arts from across the Sunken Gardens, St. Louis World's Fair

West pavilion and cascades from Napoleon Bridge, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

Palace of Liberal Arts, Mines and Metallurgy, from the Buffalo Tower, St. Louis World's Fair

The beautiful Sunken Gardens and Palace of Liberal Arts from U. S. Govt. Bldg., St. Louis Fair

Statuary and bridge over lagoon in Cascade Gardens, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904

View from German Bldg., showing E. Lagoon, bordered by Palace of Education & Manufacture, St. L. Fair

East lagoon and Palaces of Education and Manufactures, north from the German Building, Louisiana Puchase Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A.