Congressional Cemetery.

Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

Oak Hill Cemetery.

Congressional Cemetery.

Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington.

Jail where Guiteau was hung, Washington, D.C.

City Hall.

Gateway to Washington - the Union Station.

The National Academy of Science.

The "Republican" Building.

National Observatory (North Front).

U.S. Observatory.

Masonic Temple, Washington, D.C..

The Insane Asylum.

Tremont House.

The Langham Hotel, Washington.

U.S. Pension Bureau, Penna. Ave & 12th St.

Pension Office.

French Minister's Residence, Washington D.C.

Residence of Gov. Burnside.

Lincoln Monument & City Hall.

City Hall, Washington, D.C.

City Hall.

President's House. [City Hall.]

City Hall.

Medical Museum.

Army Medical Museum.

Ford's Theatre.

Residence of Gen. U.S. Grant.

View on Rock Creek, Wash.