Winter at Cresson, summer resort, on the P. R. R. among the wilds of the Alleghenies.

Winter at Cresson, summer resort, on the P. R. R. among the wilds of the Alleghenies.

Winter at Cresson, summer resort, on the P. R. R. among the wilds of the Alleghenies.

Winter at Cresson, summer resort, on the P. R. R. among the wilds of the Alleghenies.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. on turn-table, in western round-house.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. turn-table, in western round-house.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. interior of locomotive black-smith shop.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. interior of locomotive black-smith shop.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. interior of locomotive black-smith shop.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. interior of western round-house.

P. R. R. shops’ Altoona, Pa. From middle round-house north east.

P. R. R. shops, Altoona, Pa. Wheel-foundry.

P. R. R. shops, Altoona, Pa. Wheel-foundry.

P. R. R. shops, Altoona, Pa. Boiler-shop.

P. R. R. shops, Altoona, Pa. Boiler-shop.

P. R. R. shop’s Altoona, Pa. Looking through the lathe shop.

P. R. R. car shops, Altoona, Pa.

P. R. R. car shops, Altoona, Pa.

P. R. R. car shops, Altoona, Pa.

P. R. R. car shops, Altoona, Pa.

Interior of store-room, at P. R. R. shops, Altoona, Pa.

P. R. R. shop’s Altoona, Pa. iron foundry.

P. R. R. shop’s Altoona, Pa. iron foundry.

P. R. R. shop’s Altoona, Pa. erecting shop, from the front entrance.

P. R. R. shop’s Altoona, Pa. erecting shop, from the front entrance.

From Point Look-out on the Bell’s Gap R. R.

From Point Look-out on the Bell’s Gap R. R.

Looking through the wilderness, on the Bell’s Gap R. R.

Looking through the wilderness, on the Bell’s Gap R. R.

Flat Top Mountain, on the Bell’s Gap R. R.