General view in large printing room of cotton mills, Lawrence, Mass.
Doubling frame in a large woolen mill, Lawrence, Mass.
Copying design on copper rolls for printing cotton cloth, Lawrence, Mass.
Spinning cotton yarn in the great textile mills, Lawrence, Mass.
Sorting wool after cleaning and washing, Lawrence, Mass.
Water pouring over a dam.
Washington mills, Lawrence, Mass.
From Union Street bridge, Lawrence, Mass.
Atlantic mills, Lawrence, Mass.
Pemberton mill.
Riverside view of mills.
Ball room hung with paper lanterns.
Group of boys in military costume, holding rifles, flags and a drum.
Police station.
Unidentified churches.
South Church (Congregationalist), Andover, Mass.
Garden, showing flower beds, enclosing hedges, tree and fountain.
View of a bridge after it collapsed.
View of a bridge after it collapsed.
Water pouring over a dam, men in boat peering over spillway.
Wagon with "A. Wilson, Baker, Lawrence" on the canopy.
Odd Fellows hall, Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.
Lawrence common, western view, Sept. 15, '77.
Washington mills.
Pacific mills--packing rooms.
Pacific mills--calico printing room.
Pacific mills--finisher carding.
Pacific mills--water wheel pit.
Arlington mills.
Stone arch bridge.