Jamaican women selling their meagre produce of vegetables in the Mandeville market
Primitive native life of India--Hindu women grinding at the mills
Picturesque Hillah on the Euphrates below Babylon
Liberty Square with Parliament House--One of the finest sections of Budapest, capital of Hungary
Picking seed in a great onion field, (E.) at Quedlinburg, Germany
Monument of Frederick the Great, Berlin, Germany
The new Reichstags-Gebäude--Hall of the Imperial Diet, (completed 1894), Berlin, Germany
Rue de Rivoli et hôtel du Louvre
Place des Victoires (Statue de Louis XIV)
Colonne Vendome
Subjects: Napoleon, Emperor Of The French, Monuments, France, Paris, Austerlitz, Battle Of, Czech Republic, Colonne Vendôme (Paris, France), Public Sculpture, Place Vendôme (Paris, France), Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Boulevard des Italiens
Le nouvel Opera
Le Pont-Neuf, vu du quai des Grands Augustins
Natives in festal costume ready to begin the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands
Primitive manufacturing - natives making pottery, Fiji Islands
Preparing the pit of white-hot stones for the bare feet of the "fire-walkers", Fiji Islands
Typical natives of the Fiji Islands, Suva
Cannibal Tom (80 years old), the last relic of Fiji cannibalism -- Fiji Islands
The "meke" or national dance, a part of all great Fiji ceremonies, Fiji Islands
A picturesque holiday ceremony, the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands
A feast day in the Fiji Islands -- gaily bedecked natives just beginning the national dance
Hotels Cecil and Savoy, London, England
The Nilometer (measurer of inundations), Island of Elephantine, first cataract, Egypt
Peking, the capital of China, looking east from a balcony of the Drum Tower
Queen's buildings along the waterfront, Hong Kong, China
Park 15th of November; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
Rio de Janeiro's 5 mile quay, encircling world's largest land-locked bay
Central Ave., "the $11,000,000 boulevard", north to bay, Rio de Janeiro, S.A.
View of a city built on a dozen hills, from Mt. Castello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.
Avenida Rio Branco from Hotel Avenida on a holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.