Bear Mountain, from Prospect Rock.

Mansion house, from Lehigh Valley Railroad Depot.

Mansion house, from Lehigh Valley Railroad Depot.

Mauch Chunk, Pa., from foot of Mt. Pisgah.

Susquehanna Street and Lehigh River, Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Mauch Chunk, Pa., from South Mountain road.

Mt. Pisgah, Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Mt. Pisgah Plane, Switchback R.R., Pa.

View at Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Switchback. Mt. Jefferson Plane.

Mauch Chunk Narrows, from Flagstaff.

Pilgrim's Progress. (Views of Glen Onoko.)

Bear Mountain from Prospect Rock.

Turn Hole bridge and tunnel, Glen Onoko.

Inclined plane. No. 1.

View from Trestle bridge, Mt. Pisgah.

View from Trestle bridge, Mt. Pisgah.

Mt. Pisgah and Switchback R.R. with car.

Prospect Rock.

Inclined plane, looking down.

Mt. Pisgah inclined plane.

Mt. Pisgah inclined plane.

North view of Mauch Chunk, from Narrows.

Mauch Chunk scenery.

The residence and store of George Law, the millionaire, in 1836, situate on the Lehigh River, above Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Above the clouds, Switchback R.R.

Susquehanna St., Mauch Chunk.

Mauch Chunk, Penn'a.

Sweet home, Mauch Chunk, Penn.