The Magnificent Capitol, Washington, D.C..

The Magnificent Capitol, Washington, D.C..

The Magnificent Capitol, Washington, D.C..

The Capitol Main Entrance to Senate Chamber.

The Capitol Main Entrance to Senate Chamber.

U.S. Capitol, North-east view, Washington, D.C..

The Capitol, East Front from Senate End, Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument from Potomac River, Washington, D.C..

United States Capitol.

Washington Monument.

Washington Monument.

Washington Monument.

The White House Conservatory, Washington, D.C..

The East Room, White House, Washington, D.C..

Class A, No. 9. Historic East Room of the White House, the President's Residence, Washington, D.C., U.S.A..

The White House, East Drawing Room, Washington.

The White House, East Drawing Room, Washington.

The Red Room in White House, Washington, D.C..

The Newly Decorated Blue Room in White House, Washington, D.C..

White House, Washington.

The White House, North Front and Grounds.

The White House, North Front and Grounds.

White House, Washington, D.C..

The White House - West Front.

The White House Grounds, Washington.

The White House Grounds, Washington.

U.S. Senate Chamber.

U.S. Senate.

House of Representatives.

East Front, Capitol.