New Strike," Dennis Run.

Coquette well, Egbert Farm.

Great Western refinery.

Scene on Oil Creek, Pennsylvania.

Oil wells and tanks, Bradford, Pa.

View near Oil City, Pennsylvania.

Scene on Oil Creek, Pennsylvania.

Oceala Lease.

Maple Shade wells. [Hand-colored view.]

Old Boyd House.

Phil Sheridan well, Tarr Farm.

Creek at Tarr Farm.

Lower McElhany farm.

Lower McElhany farm.

Creek at Farrel Farm.

Noble well and ferry.

Creek at Farrel Farm.

Creek at Farrel Farm. [Hand-colored view.]

Farrel Farm. [Hand-colored view.]

Farrel Farm.

Flowing wells.

Gassing wells.

Scene on Oil Creek, Pennsylvania.

The old U.S. well, the one inside the fence.

View of a building surrounded by oil derricks and barrels.

View of [...] Cummings and Co., Cherry Run, Rouseville, Venango County, Pa.

Oil derricks.

Oil City, Pa.

Hollow sycamore, Oil Creek. [Group portrait of men and boys in the hollow bole of a tree.]

Thoughts of home. [Portrait of two men in front of a tree, oil derricks in background.]