The Free Academy.

Interior of the Temple of Music, showing the spot where President McKinley stood when assassinated, Pan American Exposition.

Washington statue, Union Park.

Sunny Side, Irvington, NY.

Mr. Grinnell's, Irvington, NY.

General view from point view, American side.

Horseshoe Falls, Terrapin Tower from ferryboat landing, G. I. no.22.

Ice bridge, no. 14.

Luna Island scenery.

Bridge to Goat Island.

Rapids rear of Cataract House.

View of [oil] wells.

Wells and tanks between Derrick and Gilmor.

Rixford oil fire.

B.B. & K. wreck. [Train wreck on the B.B. & K. Rail Road.]

Bradford, from Harrison Hill, 1879-80.

Oil wells and tanks, Bradford, Pa.

Oil wells, Bradford, Pa.

Congress Park, Bradford, Pa. [View down a street lined with row houses, oil derrick at the end of the street.]

Oil tanks, Bradford, Pa.

Oil wells, Bradford, Pa.

Fishing with pole tools, in a well 1,500 feet deep.

Explosion of the benzine tank.

Refining oil. The agitator, or treating tank.

Refining oil. The agitator, or treating tank.

Refining oil.

Tankage, west side, Oil City.

Loading tank cars.

Cottage Hill [Oil City].

East side of Triumph Hill, near Tidioute, Pa.