380 Picture Gallery, Metropolitan Fair, N.Y., 1864

Department of arms and trophies, New York Metropolitan Fair

Sanitary Fair

Art gallery, New York Metropolitan Fair

The Great Metropolitan Sanitary Fair Marine Department, 15th Street. Models of boats, steamers, and sailing craft.

Nursing wounded heroes back to health, Convalescent Hospital No. 5, New York

Fighters who broke the Hindenburg Line, parading down Fifth Ave., New York

The New York City skyline brings a thrill to the heart of every returning doughboy, U.S.S. Louisiana arriving in the harbor

U.S. transport Leviathan, formerly the Vaterland, largest ship afloat

U. S. battleships serve as transports in bringing our troops home. The Louisiana at dock in New York Harbor

Colored troops returning from France on S.S. Aquitania, New York

Wounded soldier about to undergo operation, Hospital No. 5, New York

Gunners on board U.S. battleship New York loading 5-inch gun

One of New York's greatest military spectacles, the "Rainbow" Division parading in honor of citizen soldiers

Looking over soldiers' quarters, general hospital in distance, Camp Upton, N.Y.

For five hours New York's citizen army poured by reviewing stand, twenty men abreast

Through the uncharted heavens she blazed the trail, dirigible R-34 at Minneola

Filling and sewing bags of granulated sugar, New York

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The German gun boat "Meteor" Taken while in the harbor of New York, May 3d, 1871 .

The Funeral of President Lincoln, New-York, April 25th, 1865

The Funeral of President Lincoln, New-York, April 25th, 1865

D. Appleton & Co., stereoscopic views and implements

[Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga, N. Y.]
