Niagara, ice bridge & Am[erican] Falls

Niagara-great ice bridge of 1866

Niagara River & Clifton House, Canada

The great ice bridge, [Niagara]

The great ice bridge, [Niagara]

Niagara, from Point View

Niagara, the ice bridge

Table Rock, near the edge of the Horseshoe Fall on the Canada side

Niagara in winter-the icicle below

Niagara in winter. The icicle below

Niagara--winter view below the Great Horse-shoe Fall

The great ice bridge & American Fall [Niagara]

Table Rock, Niagara

Niagara, great ice bridge & American Falls

Niagara, great ice bridge & American Falls

The great ice bridge & American Fall [Niagara]

Below Table Rock [Niagara]


View from the lower end of Goat Island, in winter

Below Table Rock [Niagara]

Niagara in winter

Below Table Rock in winter [Niagara]

Niagara in winter

Niagara-Table Rock and part of Horse Shoe Fall in winter

Niagara-Edge of Table Rock in winter

Niagara-below Table Rock in winter

Niagara in winter these are a few select views taken in the winter of 1860 and '61.

View from the lower end of Goat Island, in winter

Table Rock, looking down from the edge of the Great fall

Rustic bridge [Central Park]